35 Twain Ave Unit 9 Mississauga, ON L5W 1X1

(905) 956-2233

17 Speedvale Ave East Guelph, ON N1H 1J2

(226) 706-8335

2732 Barton St E #5 Hamilton, ON L8E 4M6

(905) 297-5279


Myofascial Pain Syndrome is a chronic pain disorder characterized by the presence of trigger points in the muscles, which are hyperirritable knots or tight bands of muscle fibers. These trigger points can cause localized or referred pain, as well as muscle stiffness and limited range of motion.

MFPS is often caused by muscle overuse, injury, or chronic stress and can be effectively treated with therapies like massage, stretching, and trigger point injections.

MFPS Causes, Signs & Symptoms

Causes of Myofascial Pain Syndrome –

  • Muscle overuse or repetitive strain
  • Muscular trauma or injury
  • Poor posture
  • Emotional or psychological stress
  • Lack of exercise or physical activity

Signs and Symptoms of MFPS –

  • Presence of trigger points (hyperirritable knots) in muscles
  • Localized or referred pain
  • Muscle stiffness or tightness
  • Limited range of motion
  • Muscle weakness or fatigue
  • Pain that worsens with activity or stress
  • Sleep disturbances or fatigue
  • Headaches or migraines (if trigger points are in the head/neck region)

Our Myofascial Release Hands-On, Soft Tissue Therapy

Myofascial release is a hands-on, soft tissue therapy that aims to alleviate pain and restore mobility by targeting the fascia, a connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, bones, and organs. It involves applying sustained pressure and gentle stretching to release tension and restrictions, promoting an improved range of motion and reducing pain.

We often, depending on the severity of the case, recommend combining MRT with massage therapy, and other manual therapy practices.

The primary intensions of MFRT are to –

  • Enhance blood and lymphatic flow
  • Loosen and stretch the fascia (a thin casing of connective tissue)
  • Release muscular tightness,
  • Relax the tensed muscles,
  • Activate the muscle’s stretch reflex.

The Way It Works

Myofascial release therapy is performed through a series of techniques aimed at releasing tension and restrictions in the fascia. The therapist typically uses their hands and fingers to apply sustained pressure, gentle stretching, and slow movements on specific areas of the body.

The therapist may also use tools or aids, such as foam rollers or balls, to target larger muscle groups. The therapy is tailored to the individual’s needs and may involve multiple sessions to achieve optimal results.

Conditions that we can manage effectively with Myofascial release –

  • Persisting pain (Back, Low Back, Thoracic)
  • Chronic MPS, cervical pain, CTS
  • Complex muscle pain
  • Dizziness,
  • Vertigo & Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Post-Polio Symptoms
  • TMJ dysfunction
  • Whiplash

Electrical Stimulation

Electrical stimulation can be beneficial for Myofascial pain in some cases. It is often used as a part of physical therapy or pain management strategies. There are different forms of electrical stimulation that can be utilized, such as TENS, IFC, and EMS.

  • TENS therapy involves applying low-voltage electrical currents to the skin using electrodes placed near the painful area.
  • IFC is a variation of TENS that utilizes two or more electrical currents with different frequencies to penetrate deeper tissues.
  • EMS focuses on stimulating muscle contractions to improve muscle strength, blood circulation, and overall function.

Number of Sessions Required

The initial consultation will focus on pinpointing the areas of limited fascia and quantifying the extent to which mobility has been impaired or asymmetry has developed. An average time taken for a single session is at least 30 minutes.

However, depending on the situation, it could be 50 minutes or more. You may choose from daily or weekly session. It is a non-invasive method and can be done at outpatient clinic. The treatment may go on for up to several weeks or months. The specific releases to different parts of the body vary.

At Pacific Physiotherapy Clinic, our experts are committed to help you dealing with your condition. Visit us and get reliable and affordable MFRT!